Cabin Objective

Volk 1 = Behind the northern crate, watching the cross and making sure Volk 4 can't get rushed. Also listening for audio behind.

Volk 2 = Behind those crates, mainly watching the cross to Volk 1 but also listening for audio to his east, popping up to head peak and kill anyone pushing him. 

Volk 3 = Behind the barrels there just outside of the northern wall of the cabin, helping watch Volk 1's front while also making sure nobody can get past him and go inside for a quick cap. If Volk 5 dies, Volk 3 should be the first to rotate back insde to stop the inside cap.

Volk 4 = Behind the stack of crates in the south, watching center towards pillar and helping to catch anyone that Volk 2 can't. Also serves as a refrag for both Volk 1 and Volk 2.

Volk 5 = Inside the Cabin, prone, looking down the staircase towards the entrance of the stairwell, catching anyone that's trying to sneak inside from underneath.

MARSOC: As this is Tanker, MARSOC is very player and team dependent. Because of this, I will not be marking specific lines that are good to follow for Tanker. Instead, have your players run the routes they are comfiest on and feel like they know the best.

I recommend a 2-2 top side objective split for this objective, with one going underneath.