Killbox Objective

Volk 1 = Standing right at the corner of the Southern entrance inside the tunnel, ready to swing and prefire if he hears audio.

Volk 2 = At the Northern mouth of Horseshoe crouching behind the sandbags looking backwards towards the doorway to his left, watching for anyone pushing up and listening for anyone coming into Horseshoe/past Horseshoe. 

Volk 3 = Sitting behind the box next to the Eastern entrance from tunnels, listening for audio and ready to prefire the audio if there is any. Also helping to watch the Northern door and looking towards the Western door to catch anyone crossing after they enter.

Volk 4 = Sitting in the corner of the boxes right in front of the Northern entrance, listening for audio and giving calls.

Volk 5 = Sitting behind the boxes next to the Western entrance, listening for audio and watching towards the Southern door.

MARSOC 1/2 = Pushing the Northern door of Killbox. Should be smoking in and flashing in, then pushing together to get refrags.

MARSOC 3/4 = Pushing in the Western door of Killbox. Same as 1/2, should be using lots of utility and getting smoke everywhere to cause panic.

MARSOC 5 = Doing a slow, silent push through tunnels and helping catch any Volk that are rotating back to Objective.