Tryout Information

looking to join?

Aging Moss EU is a very competitive team looking to start strong in the European VRML Ladder, and thus the open spot(s) is (are) very competitive. 

The team leadership is looking for experienced individuals who can play at a master level to fill these spots. While experience on a high ranking team is not strictly required, it will help to boost your chances.

We currently have ONE to TWO spots that will potentially open before Season 16 starts.

Being over 18 is preferred, but as long as you're mature, it shouldn't be an issue. AGM EU receives constant criticism, both from within the team from fellow teammates as well as from outside the team, so you should be willing to accept constructive criticism and learn from your mistakes. Haughtiness has no place on Aging Moss. 

AGM EU does not do "tryouts" in a traditional sense. Prospects are invited to scrims, usually 1-2 prospects per scrim, that way you can play with the team, get to know them, and see if you fit in. After each scrim, prospects will be PMd things they need to work on by whoever the Ingame Leader of that scrim was. Every single prospect that is interested is guaranteed a spot on AGM EU if they keep coming to scrims. If you can show that you are up to our standards after one scrim, then you get in after one scrim. If it takes 200 scrims for you to get up to our entry level standard, and you keep coming to scrims and keep trying, you will get in after 200 scrims. 

If you are interested in joining, please reach out to any of the following people on Discord to express interest in AGM EU:
