Center Crates Objective

Volk 1 = Inside Yellow Room, watching the cross to objective. Getting to Yellow Room is rather challenging, so this should be a quick player. Sometimes placing a smoke for the cross is recommended.

Volk 2 = Sitting behind the black boxes on the west side of the map. Not peaking, just listening for audio and head peaking once he hears audio.

Volk 3 = Standing behind the box outside of the Red Crate Shack, looking to watch the cross to Objective from both Center and East.

Volk 4 = Sitting behind the center box just south of red crate, head peaking towards Center. Also helping to anchor.

Volk 5 = Head peaking the box underneath the pipes, watching the front of Yellow Room so that Volk 1 cannot get rushed.

MARSOC: As this is Cargo, MARSOC is very player and team dependent. Because of this, I will not be marking specific lines that are good to follow for Cargo. Instead, have your players run the routes they are comfiest on and feel like they know the best.

For this objective specifically, as MARSOC you should focus on pushing up Center, taking Center control, smoking objective, and going for a quick cap behind the boxes. Be sure to also smoke off Yellow Room, possibly with an M203 Smoke. This is one of the easiest objectives in the game to cap on.