Tunnels Objective

Volk 1 = Sitting behind the shelving in East Tunnel, watching down the tunnel and killing anyone trying to push in from quick spawn. Can also pivot around and watch down the other tunnel looking West if Volk 5 dies.

Volk 2 = Sitting at the boxes just inside Tunnels, with a C4 placed at the base of the tunnel. He is playing audio, waiting to blow the C4 when MARSOC get into range. Can also help watch the Western entrances if need be.

Volk 3 = On the far back hill, prone, looking down the Western side of the tunnel, watching the entrances to catch anyone that pushes out.

Volk 4 = Behind the dark box just South of objective, listening for audio cues and also helping to anchor.

Volk 5 = This should be your best player. He is in Horseshoe listening for audio and attempting to stop or slow the push through tunnels. Needs to rotate back if other Volk start dropping.

MARSOC 1/2 = These two MARSOC will be going through Zig-Zag, trying to clear the C4 and clear out Volk 2's spot. They should be throwing utility over and around objective, that way that Volk 3/4/5 are able to push in and get the cap from behind objective.

MARSOC 3/4/5 = These MARSOC should be pushing through tunnels, attempting to push in, wait for MARSOC 1/2 to smoke objective, then going for a cap.   

If you get the Quick Spawn (the one furthest East, inside the Garage), disregard everything above and play on the smaller green arrows, sending two MARSOC through the Eastern Tunnel and the rest through the Western Tunnel. Play for a cap from this spawn.