Upper Dumpster Objective

Volk 1 = At Church, watching for any crosses going from Center Hotel area to the front of Objective or Lower Dumpster.

Volk 2 = In the doorway of South Center Bungalow, helping watch any crosses from Center Hotel area to Objective. Also listening for audio Center.

Volk 3 = Inside the annex of Upper Dumpster. Volk 3 is watching crosses coming from Lower Dumpster. 

Volk 4 = In Upper Twin, watching for any pushes from North East spawn and preventing MARSOC from taking over Twins.

Volk 5 = At Sniper Home/Cliff Home, watching over the objective, making sure nobody can cap on the wall or from behind. This should be your fastest player. Getting up to this spot is very risky, some players prefer to smoke their way up there. It is very powerful once you're there though.

MARSOC 1/2 = These MARSOC will be getting to Center Hotel and taking control of it. If they get the two Northern spawns, they can do this via going down the two Red Truck buildings and going around Helicopter Bungalow, but if they get the Western spawn, they should go there quick and take early center control.

MARSOC 3/4/5 = These MARSOC will be endeavoring to go take over Twins, and then push through Valley. One might want to end up rotating around Center in order to regroup with MARSOC 1/2 and move in for a cap along the wall.