Upper Red Crate Objective

Volk 1 = Tucked in behind the half open red crate, watching the cross up to Green Barrels. Helping watch 2's back and making sure nobody rushes him while also watching the general cross to objective.

Volk 2 = At Green Barrels, watching Volk 1's front while also listening for audio around Yellow Room, to tell Volk 5 to peak up and get the kill.

Volk 3 = Crouching behind those boxes listening for audio coming from left side and Green Tunnel. If he hears any audio, he can peak up and get the picks.

Volk 4 = Behind the stack of barrels, watching the cross from center while also helping watch Volk 3's back and Volk 1's front.

Volk 5 = Head peaking the right side box looking towards Yellow Room, making sure nobdoy is able to push into Yellow Room or swing and get Volk 2. 

MARSOC: As this is Cargo, MARSOC is very player and team dependent. Because of this, I will not be marking specific lines that are good to follow for Cargo. Instead, have your players run the routes they are comfiest on and feel like they know the best.

Reminder that with this objective, you can cap from inside the red crate or behind it.