Lower Dumpster Objective

Volk 1 = Center hotel, should be your best player. Volk 1 is mainly trying to identify spawn, while also assisting with preventing any southern or center pushes.

Volk 2 = Church (or at the broken walls around Church). Primary job is to help prevent a Valley push.

Volk 3 = In the annex of Upper Twin (aka North Twin). Volk 3 is watching a longer angle, watching the cross past Center Hotel and keeping an eye open for any crosses from Center. Also listening for audio at Twins.

Volk 4 = In the annex of Upper Dumpster, watching the cross to Objective and listening for audio around Valley.

Volk 5 = In the annex of South Brothel, watching the frontal cross to Objective while also helping watch the back cross.

MARSOC: MARSOC on this objective is different and really difficult to draw out on Intelmaps, so I will explain it below.

There are two quicker spawns for this obj - "quick spawn", which is the one that is North Brothel, "valley spawn", which is the one in Valley, and "north east spawn", which is the last remaining spawn. 

For the North Brothel quick spawn, your efforts should be on taking control of Heli Bungalow and Center Hotel. From there, get kills as you slowly push in. For the other spawns, take control over Twins and Center, then push in from there, getting kills as you go.